Gel nails
Gel nails are perfect for short and broken nails.
For nail extensions, fingernails or toenails are artificially extended using gel or acrylic.
If you just want longer nails, a nail extension is right for you. For natural nail extensions, a light-curing gel is applied to a template or an artificial nail tip to artificially extend the natural nail.
Shellac is a new method that gives your natural nails a perfect shape.
It combines the benefits of natural polish with the durability of gel.
For one thing, it is as quick and easy to apply as normal nail polish and can also be removed easily and gently with a special nail polish remover.
In addition, only a thin layer is applied, leaving your nails looking more natural.
incl. remova
Seefeldstrasse 186
8008 Zürich
043 433 55 11